A new role in a new organisation – ICCAN


I am honoured and delighted to have been chosen to be a commissioner, one of four, on a new national body called the Independent Commission on Civil Aviation Noise, which has been established by the Department of Transport to advise the government on the impact of civil aviation noise.

Its remit is to support residents and businesses across the country to have a national voice in the debate of aviation expansion so vital for our post-Brexit economy.  The country is set to see a significant expansion of air traffic over the coming years.  Our airports like our ports are significant hubs of that growth yet sit next to communities where noise is a growing concern.  As plans develop it’s vital that everyone can have their interests raised and concerns listened to and so the government has created our Independent commission to do just that.

I was headhunted for the role, I think, because of my experience in community engagement gained from being a former Council leader and social care Cabinet Member able to engage on the difficult subjects councils have to address with residents and communites.  And also as a local Councillor, where relatively uniquely, aviation noise is also central to my role, as I live in Lakenheath.  In representing Lakenheath and Beck Row aviation noise is ever present in the lives of our residents and community, from two of Europe’s largest and busiest military airbases, the runway at USAF Lakenheath is literally 300 metres from my rear garden and I do mean literally.

It’s going to be a challenging role and one which blends in well with my council and lived experience.  From our initial meeting, I am looking forward to working with my fellow commissioners as we seek to forge a new organisation with an important remit to work independently of but with Government, business, pressure groups, communities and residents around our country’s airports and below our airspace.
